
Chase that Dream!

Do you have a dream? A dream that you think could change the world, or create awareness on issues like climate change? Or did you just think, “I just dreamed this great dream … let me go back to sleep till it dies …”?
Many historic achievements were once considered impossible, until someone dared to realise their dream – the child of a poor man becoming the President of India, or a rocket scientist. The old proverb still rings true – where there is a will, there is a way!

Here are 11 tips (from one learner to another) to keep going, even if the going gets tough –

  1. Mission and vision: What is driving you to do it? Do you really want to get to the Everest Base Camp? A deep connection to your mission will provide the motivation you need.
  2. Break it down into digestible chunks: Break your dream down into smart and achievable goals. Say – If you want to produce a movie, do you have a script? A director? A producer? A plan?
  3. Have faith in yourself: Stay confident, even when others doubt you. They laughed at Gregor Mendel’s theory on genetic inheritance! 
  4. Show me the mirror: Well-meaning friends, family or like-minded individuals can encourage you, offer advice, and show you the mirror when necessary. In fact, why not allow people to criticise you so that you can do a reality check? 
  5. Cheer yourself up: Acknowledge and celebrate each small victory, not just the big contracts or awards. It could be the laying of the foundation for a building, or getting clearances for its construction.
  6. Learn from failures: Don’t see setbacks as failures, they are opportunities to learn and surge forward – didn’t Thomas Alva Edison say something like this? If you see a roadblock in your new business, check what you can set right and not rue about what went wrong. Adapt. Adapt. Adapt.
  7. Never say die: Keep going, even when you face hurdles. In an obstacle race, perseverance pays. Did they stop building the tunnel in Uttarakhand because the terrain was difficult? No, they did not, they endured untold hardships to make it happen! 
  8. Embrace knowledge: Develop a mindset of continuous learning. Whether you are a doctor or a life coach, keep up or be left out!
  9. Out-of-the-box thinking: Be open. Innovation and creativity are necessary when you dream big. Do the same things and you will get the same results! Roofs of bus shelters in Europe are being converted into gardens to make the city greener when space is a challenge! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/07/bees-can-take-refuge-on-these-bus-stop-green-roofs/
  10. Paradigm shift: Challenge your limiting beliefs. Is it the end of the world if your child didn’t make it to your dream university? Very often its your dream, not your child’s! Ha ha. It could be the beginning of another world of opportunities and dreams! 
  11. Self care and mindfulness: Turn your dream into your passion if it is for the larger good. But do not let your dream turn into an obsession. A desire unfulfilled, if not taken in your stride, can lead to downward spiral, anger and depression. Do your duty, do not be attached to the fruits of duty – The Bhagawat Gita, ch-2. 

Remember – Even if your impossible dream turns out to be just that – truly impossible, the learning and experiences you gained could lead to a different path! So! Sleep. Dream. Wake up. Achieve!

Disclaimer : These thoughts are simply that – thoughts. Positive thoughts of the author and are not to be considered as researched data.

Yours truly

Priya Aditya


About the Author


  • AK Posted 7 hours ago

    Powerful thoughts. Well written and spoken. Thanks for sharing

  • Savitha Bhaskar Guntury Posted 3 hours ago

    Awesome Priya ! Well said ! Loved it !
    Let us dream big and achieve it !

  • Temp Mail Posted 2 hours ago

    I appreciated what you created here. The design is appealing and your writing is polished; however, there seems to be an impatience in your tone that suggests you want to present the next piece. I hope you will definitely return with more in the future, as it is often the case when you continue on this path.


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