
Never say Always

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The young couple, married for over five years, only occasionally went holidaying. One fine Sunday, the wife, reminiscing their last trip to Rajasthan dreamily remarked, “Next time, we should travel further north!”

Pat came the reply, “But we NEVER go anywhere!” And she was shaken up from her reverie.

Always and Never.
Two powerful words I can think of (because someone did use these, against me.)
Depending on how one uses them, one can make or break a conversation, a business, a friendship or relationship.
How often have we heard ourselves or a friend, a colleague, a boss, or a loved person use this in an argument?
If a boss said,“Hey you are ALWAYS late”, how would it make the subordinate feel for the rest of his day? Or at the next interaction with his boss?
“Hey you NEVER seem to understand anything!”
If the person at the receiving end of this is a sensitive person, say a student, a child, or a migrant worker, it could have a jarring effect on his/her performance and self-esteem, forget about the relationship!
On the other hand, if we use the same two words to elevate the conversation to a positive level?
“You are ALWAYS well dressed!”
“You are NEVER without a kind word!”

Next time, how would you wield the power of words?


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